SPECIAL!! FREE Rainbow Bridge Bracelet with Book Purchase
“My Dog, My Love, My Best Friend” Book
$24.99 -
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Colorful Folded Note Cards
$19.00 -
Live Love Woof Slouchy Tee
From: $22.99 -
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Double Hearts Dog Note Cards
$19.00 -
Tonight I’m Gonna Netflix and Chill with My Dog 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee
From: $24.99 -
Hold My Drink I Gotta Pet My Dog Women’s Long Sleeve T-Shirt
From: $24.99 -
Hold My Drink I Gotta Pet My Dog Premium Tee
From: $24.99 -
Sorry I Can’t I have Plans with My Dog Premium Tee
From: $24.99 -
Blessed By Dog Slouchy Tee
From: $22.99 -
Can I Bring My Dog Slouchy Tee
From: $22.99 -
Chill Out Premium Tee
From: $24.99 -
Dogs Because People Suck Slouchy Tee
From: $22.99 -
Run Fast Bark Loud Dig Life Premium Tee
From: $24.99 -
Messy Bun Dog Run Slouchy Tee
From: $22.99 -
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Red Hot Dog Folded Cards
$19.00 -
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We have a BowsieWowsie Blog, too! Check it out…
Introducing the Rainbow Bridge Bracelet Gift Set
BowsieWowsie is excited to introduce the Rainbow Bridge Bracelet Gift Set
Our gift set contains the book, “My Dog, My Love, My Best Friend”, a Rainbow Bridge Commemorative bracelet, a jewelry bag and a Rainbow bridge card. It’s the perfect give for anyone who has ever loved a dog.
The Perfect Gift for Dog Lovers
My New Book Helps People Deal with the Loss of a Pet
I’m excited to announce the publication of my NEW book “My Dog, My Love, My Best Friend”, available at BowsieWowsie.com. The book is based on the special relationship I had with my whippet, Golda, (who passed away in 2015). Following the loss of two other whippets last year within the space of six months from cancer, my wife Sherry and I were devastated by the loss of our dogs Lydia and Olive. They were only nine and eleven years old respectively; a young age for whippets.
Keeping Your Hot Dog Cool
Wow, it sure is hot this summer! Have you thought about how the summer heat affects your dog? Humans can usually find shade, go to the pool and even hangout in the air conditioning. But your dog doesn’t always have these choices. Here are some tips on how to keep you hot dog cool.
Do Our Dogs Really Care About Us?
If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered whether your dog actually cares about you. Yeah, sure, they bark at you, lick on you and do other cute things that are truly endearing. But when push comes to shove, does your dog have feelings for you and do they really care about you?
Be Seen in A BowsieWowsie Tee that Matches Your Style!